Andrew Cox Books

Pictorial Bindings

Fine Leather Bindings

Victoriana & Science Fiction

Andrew Cox Rare Books 

Welcome to Andrew Cox Rare Books

I have been buying and selling books full time since 2002

My business is primarily internet based,

I am a member of the P.B.F.A one of the premier bookselling associations,

and occasionally exhibit at bookfairs.

I sell a wide range of books, but where possible I will concentrate on my areas of specialist interest which include, early science fiction, the works of Jules Verne,

Fine Bindings, Geology & Palaeontology, and books on my home county of Shropshire

Latest Updates


Just updated some of the site and repaired some broken links, Thanks for your support over the years


Currently in the process of building a contact form for visitors to contact us via email


Updated the website 

Ebay info and links

You can view some of my stock on ABE

Link to my listings on ABE Books

 Click Here For My ABE Store 

My Ebay Store

Link to my Listings on Ebay

 Click Here For My EBay Store 

  My P.B.F.A Store

 Click Here For My P.B.F.A Store 

My Jules Verne Store

 My Facebook Jules Verne Store 

This is my FaceBook Store

 My FaceBook Book Store